Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

10 Interesting Topics About OS

This blog is dedicated to finding the 10 best topics about OS from the Fasilkom UI OS Class week09/10 task. The purpose of this blog will be to inspire and motivate future OS students with interesting topics about OS that may help them in their journey. The ranking will be based on:

  1. How it is relevant to OS.
  2. How engaging it is to viewers.
  3. How interesting it is to viewers.
  4. Popularity based on the ranking of other OS students.

1.  I/O System and Device Drivers.

A review has been made about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Keyne Kassapa and Farrel Yaman. You can find the review here.

The video was created by a YouTube channel called UMassOS. The duration of the video is 1 hour and 19 seconds. The video talked about the various components of an I/O system itself. It also explains about the DMA(Direct Memory Access) and what it does. Buffer memory is also discussed and how it works as well as how we can improve performance.

This is a great video if you would like to know more about I/O Systems and Device Drivers. It teached us how to make I/O devices work as best they can and it shows helpful problems that were discussed in class.

2.  Deadlock.

A review has been made about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Keyne Kassapa and Farrel Yaman. You can find the review here.

This video was also created by a YouTube channel called UMassOS and ran for 1 hour and 13 minutes. The video explains everything you need to know about deadlocks. It starts by explaining what a deadlock is and explains that there are 3 main points in a deadlock; detection, prevention, avoidance, and explains all of these. It also explains the 4 conditions; Mutual Exclusion, Hold and wait, no preemption, and circular wait, which can cause a deadlock to occur as well as how to prevent and solve the problem.

This is the perfect video if you are looking to find out more about deadlocks and if you need a place to study for homework or an exam.

3.  Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure.

A review has been made about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Ibad Rahadian Saladdin. You can find the review here.

This video was created by a YouTube channel by the name of Eli the Computer Guy and it ran for 45 minutes and 26 seconds. In the video, Eli explains what a hybrid cloud infrastructure is and what makes something become a hybrid cloud infrastructure. He also urges us to start migrating to a hybrid cloud infrastructure as soon as possible followed by several other things. In his opinion, it is definitely something to look forward to in the future.

Cloud computing has been one major topic in the OS class this semester and this video would be a great place to start understanding what a hybrid cloud infrastructure is and spark your curiosity even more.

4. Controlling Hijacking Attacks.

A review has been created about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Louic Christopher and Kautsar Ali. You can find the review here

This video was created by a YouTube channel by the name of MIT Open Course Ware and it ran for 87 minutes and 38 seconds.In the video, they talk about how widespread the use of the programming language C is and with such major uses, there are many exploitation opportunities. They explain several methods hijackers use to exploit the C language as well as how to prevent attacks from happening.

This falls in place with the topic about security we have discussed in class and i think that this video would help OS students gain a better grasp of the concept. Since nowadays everything is surrounded in technology, it would be wise to know a little about security.

5.  RAIDs.

A review has been created about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Muhammad Naim. You can find the review here.

The video was created by a YouTube channel called Asher College and ran for 55 minutes and 58 seconds. Here it is explained the various kinds of RAID, from RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5, RAID 6, and RAID 10. It explains the pros and cons of each RAID and how one is different from the other and why none are the same. Other than that, he explains how RAIDs can be of use depending on the type.

RAIDS is a very major topic in OS and this video can be a very useful video to watch prior to a test or a quiz because it helps us acquire a better understanding of RAIDS.

6. The Principles of Operating Systems.

A review has been created about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Nadia Nur Anissa and Pamela Kareen. You can find the review here

This video was created by a YouTube channel called Barbara Hecker and ran for 69 minutes and 19 seconds. This video is interesting because it talks about the foundations of an operating system and the basics of one. They start by explaining the structure of an operating system and further discuss about the GUI and the CLI and also about APIs. They also explain a little about virtual machines and how they work.

This, like many other topics this list, fit into one of the topics in the OS class. Which makes this a great place for OS students to start their studies and spark their curiosity.

7.  The Kernel Report.

A review has been created about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Andhita Nurul Ainun. You can find the  review here.

This video was created by a YouTube channel called Jonathan Corbet. It ran for 47 minutes and 12 seocnds. This video explains what a kernel is and how it has evolved overtime. It showed specific specifications on the version, the date it came out, how many developers, and the changesets of kernels overtime. It also explains the problems that the kernel is facing. It also explains what TOU (Transfer over UDP) is and why we would use it.

I think this topic is very interesting and unique because i have not seen anything like it. It was also easy for me to follow and it is a great place to increase my general understanding of an OS concept.

8. Introduction to Hacking.

A review has been created about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Alvin Reza Lugiana and Risyad Ridho Hasbullah. You can find the review here.

This video was created by a YouTube channel called Eli The Computer Guy and ran for 69 minutes and 40 seconds. This video is very exciting because it uncovers what it really means to be a hacker. The types of hackers and the levels of hacking skills there are. Eli also explains why hackers do what they do whether it be good or bad. Eli also explain the methods of hacking.

The video is relevant to the topic of OS which is security and personally i like this topic a lot because its such a real problem in the real world and a lot of people can relate to it, whether wanting to be a hacker themselves, or wanting to fight off hackers.

9. Unikernels - Who, What, When, Where, Why.

A review has been created about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Fitriasari Nur Hidayati. You can find the review here.

This video was created by a YouTube channel named The Xen Project. It ran for 43 minutes and 49 seconds. The title says it all. This video explains what a uni-kernel is and starts with the development of a platform. It also explains what a uni-kernal is and how it is used as well as the pros and cons of a uni-kernel. It explains that there are 3 main reasons that uni-kernels are utilized.

I think video is beneficial for everyone and even those who are unfamiliar with the topic. It is also an interesting topic personally because i have never heard of a uni-kernel and wanted to know more about it because the title was so attractive.

10. Revolution OS.
A review has been created about a video explaining about this topic and was created by Dwitri Raizha A and M. Rizky Darmawan. You can find the review here

The video was created by a YouTube channel named Von Hash and ran for 1 hour 25 minutes and 10 seconds. The video explains what linux is according to some experts, but it mainly focuses on GNU and GPL (General Public Licensing) and licensing in general and also the concept of "free software". It explains the true meaning of being "free" in this context and may be different to popular opinion.

This topic fits in well with the corresponding topic of licensing in the OS class that we have discussed in the first half of the semester, and it makes a great place to begin learning about OS and the video conveys a message in a very interesting manner.



Ranking of week 09/10 OS task. -Task Ranking-
The YouTube channels of various different YouTubers. -YouTube-

